Sunday, August 31, 2008


I actually managed to do something useful today. I sewed down two trees on the quilt for my brother's wedding. Of course it gave me an asthma attack, but it's amazing how much better I feel just having done even a little. So no new pictures today. Hopefully I'll feel even better tomorrow and manage to get more done.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Harumph ;(

I keep feeling that if it weren't for all the side affects from all the meds I'm taking, I'd be feeling much better now. On the other hand, walking from my bedroom to my living room makes me breathless and answering the door to the postman gave me an asthma attack. So maybe not.

Anyway, here's my design for today. Actually, its not really mine. Its based on a pattern from a book called Scrap Quilt Sensation by Katherine Guerrier. Her pattern is called Dark Stars. I've added a few different stars of my own to make life more difficult for me. Besides, its supposed to be a scrap quilt and I have a feeling things I call scraps are a lot smaller than most peoples.

I think its going to be called Variable Star after a Robert Heinlein and Spider Robinson book I like. That's if I ever actually make it of course. ;)

Friday, August 29, 2008

Bored, bored, bored!

So I'm sitting at home with yet another chest infection, bad asthma and far too many medications, unable to do anything and bored out of my mind. So I thought I'd give this blogging thing another try.

One thing I can do at the moment is design quilts, which I probably will never ever have enough time to actually make, but never mind.

Here's the first of my 'too sick to do anything else' quilt designs.

I designed this using EQ6 software, and this is just a computer image not a real quilt. I'm quite pleased with it though. Hopefully I'll even get round to making it some day.